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How to Fix A Cracked Rims

Cracked rims of car

Have you ever found yourself staring at your car’s cracked rims, wondering how on earth they got damaged? Perhaps you hit a pothole or scraped against a curb, and now you’re left with an unsightly and potentially dangerous crack.

Here, we’ll discuss on how to fix a cracked rims and restore them to their former glory.

Why Do Rims Crack?

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s essential to understand why rims crack in the first place. Rims, which are typically made of aluminum alloy or steel, are designed to withstand the weight and stress of your vehicle.

However, they can still succumb to damage due to various reasons:

  1. Potholes and Road Hazards: Hitting a pothole or encountering a road hazard at high speeds can cause immense stress on your rims, leading to cracks.
  2. Curbing and Scraping: Accidentally scraping your rims against curbs or other hard surfaces can weaken them, making them more prone to cracking.
  3. Extreme Temperatures: Severe temperature fluctuations can affect the structural integrity of the rims, causing them to crack over time.
  4. Corrosion: If your rims are exposed to moisture and corrosive substances, such as road salt, they may corrode and weaken, making them susceptible to cracks.

Assessing the Damage: Can You Fix a Cracked Rim Yourself?

How to Fix A Cracked Rims

Now that you understand why rims crack let’s assess the severity of the damage. Minor scratches and scuffs can often be repaired at home using simple DIY methods.

However, if the crack is deep, extensive, or located near the wheel’s spoke or lug nut area, it’s crucial to consult a professional. Safety should always be your top priority when dealing with cracked rims.

Read more: Is It Dangerous To Drive With A Cracked Windscreen?

DIY Fixes for Minor Rim Damage

Fix A Cracked Rim At Home

If you’ve determined that your rim damage is minor and safe to repair yourself, here are a few DIY methods you can try:

  1. Clean and Prepare: Start by thoroughly cleaning your rims to remove any dirt, grime, or brake dust. Use a mild detergent and a soft brush, and don’t forget to rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Fill in Scratches: For small scratches and scuffs, you can use specialized rim touch-up paint or a matching automotive touch-up paint. Apply the paint carefully, following the instructions on the product.
  3. Smooth Out the Surface: If there are any rough areas or imperfections, use fine-grit sandpaper to smooth them out gently. Be cautious not to sand too aggressively, as this can damage the rim further.
  4. Apply Clear Coat: Once you’ve touched up the scratches and smoothed the surface, apply a clear coat to protect the repaired area. This will also help blend the repaired section with the rest of the rim.

Professional Repairs: When to Seek Expert Help


Professional to Fix a Cracked Rim

For significant or complex rim damage, it’s best to seek professional assistance. A professional wheel repair shop or a skilled automotive technician can provide the expertise needed to fix your cracked rims effectively.

Here are some repair options they might offer:

  1. Welding: In cases where the crack is severe, welding can be a viable option. The technician will carefully weld the crack, reinforcing the weakened area and restoring the rim’s strength. This method requires precision and expertise, so it’s crucial to choose a skilled professional.
  2. Rim Straightening: If your rims are bent or distorted in addition to being cracked, rim straightening can be a suitable solution. Specialized machinery is used to reshape the rim back to its original form, ensuring a proper fit and balance.
  3. Rim Replacement: In some cases, the damage may be too extensive to repair, or the rim may not be structurally sound even after repairs. In such situations, the best course of action is to replace the rim entirely. Your professional technician can help you find a suitable replacement that matches your vehicle’s specifications.

Preventing Future Rim Damage

Once you’ve fixed your cracked rims, it’s important to take preventive measures to avoid future damage:

  • Drive with Caution: Be mindful of road hazards, such as potholes, and avoid curbs whenever possible. Drive carefully to minimize the stress on your rims.
  • Check Tire Pressure Regularly: Maintaining proper tire pressure helps distribute the weight evenly and reduces the strain on your rims.
  • Avoid Harsh Cleaners: When cleaning your rims, use non-abrasive cleaning solutions and soft brushes to prevent scratching or damaging the surface.
  • Consider Rim Protection: Adding rim protectors or rim guards can act as a buffer between the rim and potential hazards, reducing the risk of cracks and scratches.


Is it safe to drive with a cracked rim?

It is not safe to drive with a cracked rim. Cracks can weaken the structural integrity of the rim, increasing the risk of a complete wheel failure or a blowout. It is recommended to get the cracked rim repaired or replaced before driving the vehicle.

How long does it take to fix a cracked rim?

The time required to fix a cracked rim depends on the severity of the damage and the availability of repair services. In most cases, it can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days to repair a cracked rim.

Can alloy rims be welded if cracked?

Welding alloy rims to repair cracks is possible in some cases. However, it requires expertise and specialized equipment. It’s important to consult a professional to assess the extent of the damage and determine if welding is a viable option.


By understanding the causes of rim damage and evaluating the severity of the cracks, you can determine whether it’s a DIY job or a task best left to the professionals. Remember to prioritize safety and take preventive measures to keep your rims in excellent condition for the long haul. If you seek any help regarding wheel replacement, feel free to contact Tow Truck for reliable services.

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